Gettin’ Started
Review Syllabus/What is this class?
Required Materials
- A computer, or access to one outside of class. You’ll need to be able to access the internet. We’ll be using a code editor that you’ll need to download as well as several web based editors and programs like Figma.
- Circuit Playground Express︎
You need to have this, and to have it set up by our next class. You should order one today. You need one as in, if you do not have it you will not be able to complete assignments and such. Order one here as soon as possible. Make absolutely sure you are getting an Express and not a Classic. You’ll need a micro USB cable in order to program it. If you don’t have one I recommend this option as it also has alligator clips which you can use to connect to the Circuit Playground.
If you all agree, we can set up a group order so we save money on shipping and get a class pack
Suggested Materials
- Circuit Playground Enclosure︎
Mostly a cool extra to have it just helps protects your Circuit Playground and diffuses the lights a bit.
- ‘Gator Clips︎
These will help you start connecting you Circuit Playground to other things like electronic components or fruits or what have you. You can get just alligator clips or ones that go to jumper wires if you start playing with other electronic components and breadboards.
- Battery Packs︎
- Gizmos ︎
- USB-A to C Dongle︎
If you have a newer Apple laptop, it may only have USB-C, make sure you can actually plug in your Circuit Playground. I suggest this one as it is quite cheap, but you may prefer something else.
Drawing Exercise