Fall 2021 ︎ SUNY Purchase ︎ (DES4990 & 4991) Senior Projects I & II
relevant dates
Week of November 15 →
Project presentation for Fall Semester Graduates
Week of November 29 →
Project presentations for Spring Semester Graduates
Milestones suggested by the A + D Handbook
By end of Senior Project 1 →
Students submit working bibliography to advisor and identify second reader -
By March in Senior Project 2 →
Students will identify exhibition needs for the senior show to senior project advisor inclusive of equipment needs, display needs (pedestal, lighting, etc.), and any permission requests for outdoor exhibition. The advisor will work with area coordinators and staff to identify location and other technical needs for the senior show -
By April in Senior Project 2 →
Students will submit first draft of written senior to Senior project advisor -
Recommended Action in April →
Students bring in first draft of text to learning center for review -
End of April in Senior Project 2 →
Student submits final drafts to primary advisor and second reader -
Mid April to May →
Students finalize work for senior show and participate in final critiques with BOS faculty, 1st and 2nd faculty readers