Fall 2020
CUNY Queens College ︎︎︎ (ARTS241) Design 1
Knitting Circle: Illustrator Icons
For our next project, we’ll create a personalized sigil. Not unlike a family crest. We’ll do this via Adobe Illustrator, as it will allow us to explore icons which will be visually, not dissimilar to logos.Video
This tutorial assumes that you know
- The basics of open, closing and saving files in Adobe Illustrator
- Manipulating and changing layers in Adobe Illustrator
This tutorial demonstrates
- The difference between Selection (“black arrow”) and Direct Selection (“white arrow”) Tools.
- Using the corner rounding feature of the Direct Selection Tool.
- Copying objects (select and ALT/OPTION while dragging)
- Using the Align & Distribute Panel
- Pathfinder Panel
- Repeating transformations (Ctrl / CMD + D)
- Reflection Tool
- Creating Clipping Masks
Watch this video
Attempt to follow along
- Prepare any questions you have for next class
- Recreate (and modify, if you want) the cheeseburger and ice cream cone icons demonstrated in the video.
- Make three of your own icons in a similar methodology. As you might apply these to our next project, choose something that is personally significant to you. You can use color.
- Put your icons into a folder and link to the spreadsheet in the appropriate area. Save your icons as .EPS files.
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