SUNY Purchase︎(DES3240) Design Issues
Project: Responses
For each of our readings, we’ll select three to four people to do a response about a portion of it. On a practical level this is to avoid tests and quizzes, and to help structure our discussions. On another level, it is to merge or at least, place in proximity, your personal aesthetic and written voices.
- You must do 3 responses throughout the semester.
- Your response must be at ~1500 words.
- It must be designed and typeset in some way.
- You must print at least 2 physical copies and submit one to me.
- You must also submit the text of your response as an .rtf, .txt, .doc, or .pdf.
No Shuriken Mode Challenges
- Print out enough copies for the entire class for the design that you’re most into. You might use the New Media risogrpah.
- Do some inserts/tip-ins, add graphics and charts.
- Screen print your cover on different paper stock.
- Take a stance on a subject you disagree with, come into class in costume and read your response in character.
- The reality of your time and how you utilize it︎This is to say, if you really want to focus on the writing, or know you’ll need the time for that it’s okay for your design to be simple, but it should be considered. It’s also totally fine to set up a template that you modify it for responses.
- Paper︎Try to use some better paper than that available in the lab. If you need points, you can borrow mine.
- Your voice︎This is not a writing class. You do have access to the Learning Center, but please write in a way that feels natural and true to you.
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