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SUNY Purchase ︎ (DES3440) Typographic Investigations


Spreadsheet for online repositories︎

  • Link to a Google Drive folder (or similar repository, i.e. DropBox)
  • Have separate folders that are clearly labeled (“Response 1”, “Response 2”, “License to Ill(ustrate)”, etc.)
  • In each response folder, put a .ttf or .otf  font(s)/typeface, and any associated images or .pdfs
  • Name your files like this
    [Your last name][Your first name]_DES3440_[desciption of what the file is in camel case].pdf

    So if I was doing a response for the Enter the Dot Matrix project, I would name the files:  SantiagoBenjamin_DES3440_DotMatrix.pdf
  • Please include a scan or photo or video documentation of any other work for other projects in the class.
  • In the event you are uploading a group of pictures of a project, name the folder in  a similar way described above.
  • Let me know if there are any edge cases we aren’t thinking of.

Materials for Calligraphy 

(I’ll post multiple links in cases like these, one for Amazon if you have Prime, and one for if you have philosophical issues with Amazon. I haven’t recused myself fully from using Amazon, but would like to not recommend them when I can)
  • (Required) 6mm Pilot Calligraphy Pen︎
    (Amazon link︎) (Jet Pens︎) Please be sure to get this ready at least the night before, they take a while to get the ink going after you insert the ink container into the pen.They allow you to get pretty close to the experience of using a dip pen, but without the dippin.’ We’ll be using the biggest one so that we engage more of our arm (versus hand) while drawing. 
  • (Required) Rhodia Dot Pad︎
    (Amazon link︎) (Classic Office Products︎)
    Please be sure to get the dot one that is “A3+” (16.5 in. by 12.5 in.). Similar to the size of the pen, we want to be able to do many related studies on one page and get into “the zone” and engage more of our arms while drawing. 
  • (Assuming you have this already) Pencil(s) & a decent (ideally metal) ruler, for drawing guides.
  • (Optional, but  recommended) All four of the Pilot Calligraphy Pens︎ These are relatively cheap, or at least a great value for the price.
  • (Optional, but fun to have) Pilot Brush Pens︎ We may not get directly to this stuff, but these pens are also excellent for drawing (if you like say, Charles Burns or Daniel Clowes)
  • (Optional, but fun to have) Smaller notebook︎ If you want to sketch lettahs while you’re at a cafe or something.

Lynda.com/LinkedIn Learning Courses

You have free access to Lynda through Purchase. Not placing these here to “pass you off” to these resources by any means, but if you’re looking at similar materials to what we cover in class that you can pause, maybe you respond more to the instructor there, or want to get ahead they are available. 

YouTube/Vimeo Channels

Instagram Pages to Follow

(Will update these as we go)


Glyphs Tutorials︎
Glyphs Forums︎
Margaret Shepard’s Blog︎

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