SUNY Purchase ︎ (DES3240) Design Issues
Spreadsheet for Ruined by Design Payments︎
Spreadsheet with Response Statuses︎
/ ︎Response in progress︎︎Response complete
Spreadsheet for Links to Online Repositories︎
- Link to a Google Drive folder (or similar repository, i.e. DropBox)
- Have separate folders that are clearly labeled
(“Response 1”, “Response 2”, “License to Ill(ustrate)”, etc.)
- In each response folder, put a .pdf of your response, and a .docx, .rtf, .txt or related copypasta-able mostly text file.
- Name your files like this
[Your last name][Your first name]_DES3240_[desciption of what the file is in camel case].pdf
So if I was doing a response for Decolonizing Design I would name the files: SantiagoBenjamin_DES3240_DecolonizingDesign.pdf - Please include a scan or photo or video documentation of any other work for other projects in the class.
- In the event you are uploading a group of pictures of a project, name the folder in a similar way described above.
- Let me know if there are any edge cases we aren’t thinking of.
Invite for Class Slack channel︎
I have this on my phone. Hopefully you’re not too inundated with Slack channels ︎. However, we’ll need to do this to help accelerate reviewing materials, as well as sharing stuff occasionally.︎Back to Design Issues