Spring 2021 ︎
SUNY Purchase ︎ (DES4100) Community Design
Schedule Overview
(schedule is subject to change based on your feedback and necessity)
Week 01 ︎ 02/02/2021 ︎
- Introductions & Expectations
- Reveal teams
- Introduce “What is Community?” pt.1
- HW︎
- Meet with your team (via Zoom, discord, whatever) and determine your team name.
- Take a screenshot to prove you did this.
- Watch the videos for “What is Community?” pt.1 and take notes
Week 02 ︎ 02/09/2021 ︎
- Team 1 & 3 ︎︎︎ 3:30PM︎︎︎ meet with Sonja Ng about MFA Show.
- Team 2 ︎︎︎ 12:45PM ︎︎︎meet with Jack Tamburri to discuss theatre projects.
Week 03 ︎ 02/16/2021 ︎
- Team 2 ︎︎︎ 1:00PM ︎︎︎Review designs with Jack Tamburri
Teams 1 & 3 ︎︎︎ 2:00PM
︎︎︎Discuss progress on work for MFA show
Week 04 ︎ 02/23/2021 ︎
- Team 2 ︎︎︎ 12:30PM ︎︎︎Review designs with Jack Tamburri (Internal review 12:30PM - 01:00PM, review with Jack at 01:00PM)
- Teams 1 & 3 ︎︎︎ 2:00PM ︎︎︎Discuss progress on work for MFA
Week 05 ︎ 03/02/2021 ︎
- (2nd Meeting with Sonja Ng)
- (Meeting with Jack Tamburri)
Week 06 ︎ 03/09/2021 ︎
- Team 2 ︎︎︎ 12:30PM ︎︎︎Review designs with Jack Tamburri(Internal review 12:30PM - 01:00PM, review with Jack at 01:00PM)
- Team 3 ︎︎︎ 2:00PM ︎︎︎Discuss progress on work for MFA Catalogue (internal review)
- Teams 1 & 3 ︎︎︎2:45 ︎︎︎ Disccuss “What is Community?” pt.1
- Team 1 ︎︎︎ 3:30PM ︎︎︎ Meeting with Sonja Ng on Senior Show
Week 07 ︎ 03/16/2021 ︎
- Team 2 ︎︎︎ 1:00PM ︎︎︎ Meeting with Jack Tamburri on new project
- Teams 1, 2, 3 ︎︎︎ 2:00PM ︎︎︎
- “What is Community?” pt.2 introduction
- Spiel: Relationships with Clients
- Team 3 ︎︎︎ Review updated designs with Sonja Ng/MFA crew
HW ︎︎︎
- Team 1 ︎︎︎ Send directions and concepts for Senior Show ephemera to next week (before Friday)
Teams 1 & 2 & 3 ︎︎︎ watch the videos for “What is Community?”, pt.2 and take notes.
Week 08 ︎ 03/23/2021 ︎
No class!
Week 09 ︎ 03/30/2021 ︎
- 12:45PM ︎︎︎ Team 2 ︎︎︎ we'll meet in advance of talking to Jack to go over final directions for As You Like It and Purgatorio Wonderland. Afterwards we'll talk about the viewings.
- 02:00 PM ︎︎︎ Team 3 ︎︎︎ we'll discuss any feedback that might have popped up with the MFA Catalogue and next steps with that (a new client meeting may happen here potentially). After that we'll talk about the viewings.
- 03:00
Team 1
we'll discuss feedback for Senior Show concepts and ideas. After which we'll talk about the viewings.
- Midsemester performance reviews (by email)
Week 10 ︎ 04/06/2021 ︎︎︎
- 01:00PM ︎︎︎ Team 2 ︎︎︎ We’ll meet with Jack to talk about work for Passage and Wolves Eat Elk.
01:30PM ︎︎︎ Team 1︎︎︎Meet in advance of talking to Sonja about directions for Senior Show
- 03:00PM︎︎︎ Team 3 ︎︎︎ Check in on other MFA ephemera
Week 11 ︎ 04/13/2021 ︎
- 01:00PM ︎︎︎ Team 2 ︎︎︎ We’ll meet internally to talk about Passage and Wolves Eat Elk directions.
01:30PM ︎︎︎ Teams 1, 2, 3 ︎︎︎Meet in advance of talking to Sonja about directions for Senior Show. Sonja will be there at 2.
03:00PM︎︎︎ Team 3 ︎︎︎ Talk (very briefly) about new project (Start Small, Think Big)
Week 12 ︎ 04/20/2021 ︎
01:00PM ︎︎︎
Team 2 ︎︎︎ We’ll meet with Jack to talk about Passage and Wolves Eat Elk current status.
- 02:00PM ︎︎︎Teams 1, 2, 3
- “What is Community?” pt.3 introduction
- Spiel ︎︎︎ Relationships with Clients
Introduction to Project: Create a Snowball
Week 13 ︎ 04/27/2021 ︎
- “What is Community?” pt.3 discussions pt.1
Week 14 ︎ 05/04/2021 ︎
“What is Community?” pt.3 discussions pt.2
- Check-in on Snowball project
Week 15 ︎ 05/11/2021 ︎
Thank you GIF workshop
Week 16 ︎ 05/18/2021 ︎
- Critique on Snowball project
- Informal feedback on class
- Havdallah