Spring 2021
SUNY Purchase ︎ (DES3240) Design Issues
Queering Design (Education)
Queering Design (Education)
I’m choosing to read this as a way to explore the idea of what graphic design education can and “should” be, as a function of how you perceive it currently.
Required readings/viewings
- What Does “Queering Design Education” Actually Look Like in Practice? (Nicole Killian Interview)︎(Also note the list of additional readings there not all of the links work, in the interest of not simply copypasta-ing that stuff, I will just make sure that you are aware of it)
- Jack Halberstam on Queer Failure, Silly Archives and the Wild︎
- You Won’t Believe What This Bizarre Design Cult Eats For Breakfast. The Truth Will Shock U from Elliott Earls’ Studio Practice webseries︎
- We Can Listen and Push Back at the Same Time by Kristina Ketola Bore︎
- Let’s Talk About Body Reproduction by Nate Pyper︎
- We Must Make Queer Praxis Accessible by Ginger Brooks Takahashi︎
Questions to think about as you read these
- Is your work being culturally viable (profitable, employable) part of your view of success? How much of this is presupposed?
- Is having a voice part of your view of success? Do you see those two things as mutual exclusive?
- How much do you feel this is part of a legacy of heteronormativity, and how much (if at all) does that matter to you?
- How much does the “canon” of design matter to you? How much do you think it influences you? Can you see it in work you experience “out in the world?”
- How can we as designers / students / educators “reproduce” by spreading ideas to different institutions?
- How valuable is social capital/networking to you?
- Is it too transactional for you to view it that way (versus community, friendship, whathaveyou)?
Related, but not required readings to help provide some context
Things that came up during class (02/24/2021)
- Peter Jackson Beatles is working on a Beatles documentary called Get Back︎ This came up because I mentioned not comparing yourself to other people. The Beatles did Sgt. Peppers when they were like...24 or something.
- Jessica Krug︎ This came up because we were talking about the importance of (white) allies vs. representation. This is the woman who masqueraded as a person of color for mad long; she even wrote a book.
- Stuntmen React by Corridor Crew on YouTube︎ With the Nat Pyper essay this came up with the idea of stunt doubling. They look at a lot of great stuff like Jackie Chan and Bollywood movies as well as just regular-ass action movies.