Spring 2021 ︎︎︎ SUNY Purchase ︎︎︎(DES4991) Senior Project II
Official “Deadlines”
So the Senior Project is something everyone has to do in different departments. The requirements are (obviously) different based on the concentration of the department, and even professor to professor. As such, you might find different resources for different departments. Here is the link I’ll be referencing︎ this is the A + D Student Handbook, and the specific information is in the “Senior Project” section.You’ll need to write a paper with the following requirements.
- 1500 words minimum (If you were in Design Issues, you’ve already done most of this in terms of achieving the word count)
A minimum of 10 images of your own work (this does not include detail images). Students are also welcome to include additional images of influences.
Proper captions per image (title, date, dimensions, medium).
- Final published projects should also include a proper bibliography. (The website does not specificy a style or format, but just use MLA, here’s a website︎ with info on that)
- Students should save their written thesis with JPEG images of their work as one PDF document. This must be submitted to Moodle Senior Project Portal︎. The deadline for submitting the paper is determined by the Registrar and is announced in the Academic Calendar.
- Title page template︎
- The only thing I personally specify that is different, is that the paper, as a product of the Design department, should be designed or typeset in some way. I will provide resources of previous examples.
Here are the rough “deadlines” the handbook specifies:
- By end of Senior Project 1: Students submit working bibliography to advisor and identify second reader
By March in Senior Project 2: Students will identify exhibition needs for the senior show to senior project advisor inclusive of equipment needs, display needs (pedestal, lighting, etc.), and any permission requests for outdoor exhibition. The advisor will work with area coordinators and staff to identify location and other technical needs for the senior show
By April in Senior Project 2: Students will submit first draft of written senior to Senior project advisor
Recommended Action in April: Students bring in first draft of text to learning center for review
End of April in Senior Project 2: Student submits final drafts to primary advisor and second reader
Mid April to May: Students finalize work for senior show and participate in final critiques with BOS faculty, 1st and 2nd faculty readers
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