Spring 2022 ︎︎︎ SUNY Purchase College ︎︎︎ (DES3440) Typographic Investigations
Schedule Overview
Week 01 ︎︎︎ 02/01/2022
- Syllabus︎
Introduction to Project:What’s on Top of
the Deck?︎
- Introduction to Project: Make a dang font (rite quick)︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Amy, Blu, Mel, Lindsay
Work on and complete
Project: Make a dang font (rite quick)︎
Work on and complete
Project:What’s on Top of
the Deck?︎
Week 02 ︎︎︎ 02/08/2022
- Review cards and
Project: Make a dang font (rite quick)︎
Introduction to Glyphs and FontForge
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells
︎︎︎ Joe, Jesse, Isabella, JJ
- If your copy of Glyphs is crashing please let me know
- What made it crash
Your operating system
if you get a specific error message
- Revise
Project: Make a dang font (rite quick)︎ based on in class feedback
(Whiteboard from 02/08/2022)
Week 03 ︎︎︎
- Glyphs & FontForge, pt.2
- Introduction to Project: Make a dang typeface (not quick)︎
- Introduction to Project: Share a dang font file︎
- Watch & Discuss Linus Boman video How this font became the face of Chinese food in America︎
- HW ︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎
Rachel, James, Gwen, Susana
- Start work on Project: Make a dang typeface (not quick)︎
Start work on Project: Share a dang font file︎
(Whiteboard from 02/15/2022)
Week 04
- Review & Discuss Project: Share a dang font file︎
(group 1 ︎︎︎Blu, Jesse, Lindsay, Amy, Mel, Alex, Isabela) - Knitting Circle: Calligraphy pt.1, “Square”
- HW︎︎︎
- Knitting Circle: Calligraphy pt.1, “Square” Capitals︎practice (3 pages of letter practice, 2 sentences digitally cleaned up and printed out)
- Be ready to discuss ideas, concepts and sketches for Project: Make a dang typeface (not quick)︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Alex, Owen, Michelle, James
(Whiteboard from 02/22/2022)
Week 05
- Knitting Circle: Calligraphy pt.1, “Square”
- Review & Discuss Project: Share a dang font file︎ (group 2 ︎︎︎ Owen, James, Susana, Rachel, JJ, Joe, Michelle)
- Discuss progress, ideas, concepts, sketches for Project: Make a dang typeface (not quick)︎
Glyphs & FontForge review, Review
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Alex, Owen, Michelle
(Whiteboard from 03/01/2022)
Week 06︎︎︎ 03/08/2022
(Class was cancelled due to my jury duty)Week 07
- Calligraphy session, Foundational hand
- Watched James Edmondson’s Changing Out of Your Typographic Sweatpants︎
- HW︎︎︎
- In Foundational Hand, write three more pages and then upload 2 “designed” “sentences” and be ready to have them printed for discussion in class
- Be ready (glyphs files etc./more drawings sketches) to discuss state of final project
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎JJ, Blu, Mel
Week 08 ︎︎︎ 03/22/2022
- Review Calligraphy HW
- Review status of final projects (random selection of 5 to 6 people with an emphasis on people who prviously have not discussed project status)
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Alex, Lindsay, Owen, Michelle
(Whiteboard from 03/22/2022)
Week 09 ︎︎︎
- Review Final Project font progress (one-on-one)
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Gwen, Isabela, James, Susana
(Whiteboard from 03/29/2022)
Week 10 ︎︎︎
- Review status of final project
- Review calligraphy from last week
- Go over Resources page
- Introduction Project: Calligraphy Recital
- Review drawing Bezier Curves
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Rachel, Amy, Mel, Michelle
Week 11
(No class, Spring break!)Week 12 ︎︎︎
- Calligraphy session, ornaments + blackletter majuscules
- Glyphs & FontForge review
- Final Project font progress
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎JJ, Blu, Lindsay, Owen
s(Whiteboard for 04/19/2022)
Week 13 ︎︎︎
- Collective type review, pt.1
- Owen, Isabella, Alex, Blu, Lindsay, Mel
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Gwen, Joe, Susana, Alex
(Whiteboard from 04/26/2022)
Week 14
- Calligraphy Recital!
Collective type review, pt.2
Joe, Blu, Rachel, Jesse, Amy, Michelle, James, JJ
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Rachel, Isabela, Jesse, James
(Whiteboard from 05/03/2022)
Week 15 ︎︎︎
- Final Project Critiques, pt.1
- Michelle, Lindsay, Alex, James, Isabela, Mel, JJ
Week 16 ︎︎︎
Final Project Critiques, pt.2
- Blu, Susana, Owen, Jesse, Joe, Rachel, Amy
- Informal class feedback
- Havdalah