Spring 2022 ︎︎︎ SUNY Purchase College ︎︎︎ (DES3800) Design for Web & Screens
Schedule Overview
(schedule is subject to change based on your feedback and necessity. Also note each class will start with a “show & tell”)
Week 01 ︎ 01/31/2022 ︎
- Introductions
Syllabus︎ review
- Introduction to Project: What’s on Top of the Deck?︎
Introduction to
Project: Menu Re-do︎
- HW︎︎︎
- Complete and print Project: What’s on Top of the Deck? ︎
Complete and upload Project: Menu Re-do︎
Have at least five ideas for interface or interactivity issues with a website, app, video or the like and be ready to present them for class. Identify your potential sources and take screenshots or screen recordings to demonstrate the issue. Be ready to present and discuss them with the class. - Show ‘n’ Tell ︎︎︎Rachel, Spencer, Ashley, Eli
Week 02 ︎ 02/07/2022 ︎
- Collect and review Project: What’s on Top of the Deck? ︎
- Review Project: Menu Re-do︎ ideas.
- Knitting Circle: Adobe XD︎
Spiel: Web Aesthetics︎
- HW ︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Kawen, Amber, JJ, Mikaila
Complete and upload Project: Menu Re-do︎ pt.2
(Take one of your ideas and begin to research around it. Look at other similar apps, games or websites and see if they have the same issue or have “solved it” by some means. What makes the given context different (ie Magic the Gathering vs. Hearthstone, Team Fight Tactics vs. Super Auto Pets)? Propose at least three different visual solutions and be ready to show them in class. Provide screenshots or screen recordings of your research, and provide drawings or clear visual sketching of your proposed ideas)
(Whiteboard from 02/07/2022)
Week 03 ︎ 02/14/2022
Progress Check-in
Project: Menu Re-do︎
Spiel: A Brief History of the Web︎
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Spencer, Melanie, Owen, Daniel
- Complete and upload Project: Menu Re-do︎ pt.3
Start/continue working on your presentation and more finalized version of your prototype. This may require you to use After Effects, Adobe XD. Be ready to show your progress and explicate your plans for next week.
(Whiteboard from 02/14/2022)
Week 04 ︎ 02/21/2022 ︎
- Final progress Check-in
Project: Menu Re-do︎
- Spiel: Sillicon Valley︎
- HW︎︎︎
- Complete and be ready to discuss Project: Menu Re-do︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Amber, Ashley, Eli, Spencer
(Whiteboard from 02/21/2022)
Week 05 ︎ 02/28/2022 ︎
Critique/Presentations for
Project: Menu Re-do︎
- Assign written reviews for Project: Menu Re-do︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Rachel, Kawen, JJ
(Whiteboard from 02/28/2022)
Week 06 ︎ 03/07/2022 ︎
- Read and discuss critique reviews for
Project: Menu Re-do︎
Introduction to Project: Prototyping is Cooties
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Mikaila, Daniel, Owen
(Whiteboard from 03/07/2022)
Week 07 ︎ 03/14/2022 ︎
- Spiel: Social Networks
- Discussion of Final Project ideas
Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Owen, Melanie, Spencer, Amber
(Whiteboard from 03/14/2022)
Week 08 ︎ 03/21/2022 ︎
- Discussion of current state of research for final project
- HW ︎︎︎
- Final project, initial sketches and research are due to folder.
Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Rachel, Ashley, Eli
(Whiteboard from 03/21/2022)
Week 09 ︎ 03/28/2022 ︎
- Presentations of current state of prototypes/wireframes for Final Project
- HW ︎︎︎
- All current wireframes/prototyping due to the folder by next week
Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Owen, Spencer, Mikaila
(Whiteboard from 03/28/2022)
Week 10 ︎ 04/04/2022 ︎
- Introduction to Project: Adobe XD Recital
- Introduction to Reading: Library of Babel
- HW ︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Rachel, Ashley, Kawen
(Whiteboard from 04/04/2022)
Week 11 ︎ 04/11/2022 ︎
- (No class, Spring break!)
Week 12 ︎ 04/18/2022 ︎
- Reading Discussion: Library of Babel
- Progress Check-in Adobe XD Recital
- Assign review writing for Project: Adobe XD Recital
- Review Writing
- JJ writing about Kawen’s work
- Eli writing about Daniel’s work
Amber writing about Rachel’swork
- Ashley writing about Spencer’s work
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Eli, Amber, Mikaila
(Whiteboard from 04/18/2022)
Week 13 ︎ 04/25/2022 ︎
- Final critiques of Project: Adobe XD Recital
Show & Tells ︎︎︎JJ, Daniel, Owen, Melanie
(Whiteboard from 04/25/2022)
Week 14 ︎ 05/02/2022 ︎
- Review writing for Project: Adobe XD Recital
- Project: Connection Final pitches pt.1
Owen, Kawen, Eli, Amber, Daniel
(Whiteboard from 05/02/2022)
Week 15 ︎ 05/09/2022 ︎
- Project: Connection Final pitches pt.2
Melanie, Rachel, Spencer, Ashley, Mikaila, JJ, Daniel - Assign written review for Project: Connection
(Whiteboard from 05/09/2022)
Week 16 ︎ 05/16/2022 ︎
- Review writing for Project: Connection
- Kawen writing for Amber’s work
- Spencer writing for Ashley’s work
- Melanie writing for Daniel’s work
- Mikaila writing for Eli’s work
- Informal class feedback
- Havdalah