Spring 2022 ︎︎︎ SUNY Purchase College ︎︎︎ (DES4100) Community Design
Schedules + Whiteboards
(This page will have schedules and pictures of whiteboards to track ongoing projects)Week 01 ︎︎︎ 02/01/2022
- Introductions
- Syllabus︎
- What is Community? pt.1︎ Introduction
- What’s on Top of the Deck?︎ Introduction
- Meeting with Jack Tamburri on Theatre Conservatory Projects︎
- Reveal Teams
- HW︎︎︎
- Meet with team and take a screenshot or picture
Decide team names
Teams 1 & 2 work on Theatre projects, have versions available for next week
Team 3 work on Valentine’s day post
Team 4 work on Pi day post
Show & Tells
︎︎︎ Lexi, Emily, Carla, Nagee
Work on, complete and print What’s on Top of the Deck?︎
Week 02
︎︎︎ 02/08/2022
- Meeting with Faye Hirsch, Gregory Wharmby on
MFA Catalog︎
Check-in on and finalize direction for Valentine’s Day post
- Check-in on Pi Day post
- HW︎︎︎
- (All Groups) Initial directions for MFA Catalog︎
(Group 1)
Work on Theatre Conservatory Projects︎ We are Proud to Present... directions
(Group 2) Work on Theatre Conservatory Projects︎ Senior Project Campaign directions
(Group 3) Complete Valentine’s Day IG Post
(Group 4) Work on Pi Day post based on feedback
Show & Tells ︎︎︎Nagee, Karla (Davis), Owen, Michelle
Watch and be ready to discuss What is Community? pt.1︎ videos
(whiteboard from 02/08/2022)
Week 03 ︎︎︎ 02/15/2022
- (All Groups) Check-in on initial directions for MFA Catalog︎
(All Groups) What is Community? pt.1︎ discussion
Meeting with Jack Tamburri for Theatre Conservatory Projects︎
- Group 1 ︎︎︎Check-in on We are Proud to Present... and introduction to Waiting for Godot
Group 2
︎︎︎ Check-in on Senior Project Campaign and introduction to Barbecue
- Group 4 ︎︎︎Check-in on Pi Day IG Post
- HW ︎︎︎
- Show & Tells
︎︎︎ Victoria, Jacqueline, Nico, Joseph
(All Groups) Iterate on MFA Catalog︎ based on feedback
(Group 1) Finalize Theatre Conservatory Projects︎ We are Proud to Present... directions
(Group 2) FinalizeTheatre Conservatory Projects︎ Senior Project Campaign directions
- (Group 4) ︎︎︎Work on Pi Day IG Post
- (Group 4) ︎︎︎ Ideate on Beech Tree Memorial
(whiteboard from 02/15/2022)
Week 04 ︎︎︎ 02/22/2022
- Introduction to What is Community? pt.2︎
Spiel: Collegial Relationships
1:00PM ︎︎︎ Meeting with Jack Tamburri -
(Group 1 ︎︎︎ Discuss status of We are Proud to Present... and Waiting for Godot)
(Group 2 ︎︎︎ Discuss status of Senior Project Campaign and Barbecue)
2:45PM ︎︎︎Meeting with Sam Spillman & co. (Group 4)
(All Groups) Discuss status of MFA Catalog project
- HW ︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Jesse, Susana, Alex, Blu
(Whiteboard from 02/22/2022)
Week 05
︎︎︎ 03/01/2022
- Spiel: Collegial Relationships
- Group #1 ︎︎︎
- Check-in (with Jack Tamburri) on Waiting for Godot
- Finalize photo editing project for Jack Tamburri
- Group #2 ︎︎︎
- Check-in (with Jack Tamburri) for Barbecue
- Check-in (with Jack Tamburri) on final state of first images for Senior Project Campaign
- Group #3︎︎︎
- Check-in (internal) on Rye Brook F.I.T. Project
- Group #4 ︎︎︎
- Check-in (internal) on status of Pi Day Instagram Post
Check-in with Samuel Spillman on status of Beech Tree Memorial project
- All Groups ︎︎︎
- Review status of MFA Catalog
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Rachel, Jesse, Karla, JJ
(Whiteboard from 03/01/2022)
- (note that we got through the Show & Tells)
Week 06︎︎︎ 03/08/2022
- (class was cancelled due to my jury duty, leaving the plans here for reference)
- Discussion What is Community? pt.2︎
HW︎︎︎Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Lexi, Joe, Carla, Victoria
Week 07 ︎︎︎03/15/2022
- Group 1 ︎︎︎
- Review MFA Catalog final changes
- Review current status of Our Town posters
- Group 2 ︎︎︎
- Review current status of starting Henry IV posters.
- Group 3 ︎︎︎
- Continue working on Rye Brook F.I.T.
- Review status of Ken Liu poster
- Group 4 ︎︎︎
- Review status of Margo Jefferson poster
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Blu, Emily, Jacqueline, Nagee
(Whiteboard from 03/15/2022)
Week 08 ︎︎︎ 03/22/2022
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Rachel, Karla, Jesse JJ
(Whiteboard from 03/22/2022)
Week 09 ︎︎︎03/29/2022
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Lexi, Rachel, Susana, JJ
(Whiteboard from 03/29/2022)
Week 10 ︎︎︎ 04/05/2022
Week 11
(No class, Spring break!)Week 12 ︎︎︎ 04/19/2022
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎JJ, Carla, Victoria, Emily
- Final check-in with Jack for Our Town and Henry IV
- Check-in (internal) for Make It Play
- Check-in (internal) for Marriage of Figaro
- Discuss What is Community? pt.2 videos
- Discuss Spring Formal
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎ Blu, Joe, Jacqueline
(Whiteboard from 04/19/2022)
Week 13 ︎︎︎ 04/26/2022
- Spiel: Freelancing
- Introduction: What is Community? pt.3
- HW︎︎︎
- Show & Tells ︎︎︎Alex, Owen, Nico, Michelle
(Whiteboard from 04/26/2022)
Week 14 ︎︎︎ 05/03/2022
Theatre TCP Senior Campaign
- Discuss What is Community? pt.2
Senior Show Ephemera
Field Day Reports & Updates
- HW︎︎︎
- Finish What is Community? pt.3 viewings and notes
(Whiteboards from 05/03/2022)