Spring 2021 ︎
SUNY Purchase ︎ (DES3240) Design Issues
Schedule Overview
(schedule is subject to change based on your feedback and necessity)
Week 01 ︎ 02/03/2021 ︎
- Introductions & Expectations
- Schedule Overview
- Decide first 4 people to do responses to How to Build an Atomic Bomb
- HW︎
- If you’re assigned to create a response, work on it and upload by next Monday.
- Complete and upload your notes for the video.
- Watch & be ready to discuss Mike Monteiro’s lecture How to Build an Atomic Bomb
Week 02 ︎ 02/10/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Hustle Culture/Workaholism
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses for Topic: Hustle Culture/Workaholism
- HW︎
- Watch and be ready to discuss content for Topic: Hustle Culture/Workaholism
If you’re assigned to create a response, work on it and upload by next Monday.
Complete and upload your notes for the video.
Week 03 ︎ 02/17/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Queering Design (Education)
- Decide 4 people to do responses for Topic: Queering Design (Education)
- Discuss Topic: Hustle Culture/Workaholism
- Watch/read and be ready to discuss content for Topic: Queering Design (Education)
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
Complete and upload your notes
Week 04 ︎ 02/24/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Where are the Black Designers?
- Decide the next 4 people to do responses for
Topic: Where are the Black Designers? - Discuss Topic: Queering Design (Education)
- HW︎
- Readings/viewings related to Topic: Where are the Black Designers?
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
Complete and upload your notes
Week 05 ︎ 03/03/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Cult of the Ugly
- Decide the next 4 people to do responses for Topic: Cult of the Ugly
- Discuss and review responses for Topic: Where are the Black Designers?
- HW︎
- Readings and viewings related to Topic: Cult of the Ugly
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
Complete and upload your notes
Week 06 ︎ 03/10/2021 ︎
- Discuss and review responses for Topic: Cult of the Ugly
- Introduction to Topic: Decolonizing Design
- Decide the next 4 people to do responses for Topic: Decolonizing Design
- HW︎
- Readings/viewings related to Topic: Decolonizing Design
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
Complete and upload your notes
Week 07 ︎ 03/17/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Manifestos
- Decide the next 4 people to do responses for Topic: Manifestos
- Discuss and review responses for Topic: Decolonizing Design
- HW︎
- Readings/viewings related to Topic: Manifestos
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
Complete and upload your notes
Week 08 ︎ 03/24/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Designer as [X]
- Decide the next 4 people to do responses for Topic: Designer as [X]
- Discuss and review responses for Topic: Manifestos
- HW︎
- Readings and viewings related to Topic: Designer as [X]
- Prepare your response for Topic: Designer as [X] if you were assigned one.
Complete and upload your notes
Week 09 ︎ 03/31/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Problematic History
- Decide the next 4 people to do responses for Topic: Problematic History
- Discuss and review responses for Topic: Designer as [X]
- HW︎
- Readings/viewings related to Topic: Problematic History
- Prepare your response for Topic: Problematic History if you were assigned one.
Complete and upload your notes
Week 10 ︎ 04/07/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Semiotics
- Decide the next 4 people to do responses for Topic: Semiotics
- Discuss and review responses for Topic: Problematic History
- HW︎
- Readings/viewings related to Topic: Semiotics
- Prepare your response for Topic: Semiotics if you are assigned to do one.
Complete and upload your notes
Week 11 ︎ 04/14/2021 ︎
No Class!︎
Here’s your HW for the break!︎
Week 12 ︎ 04/21/2021 ︎
- Introduction to Topic:
Decide the next 4 people to do responses for Topic: Copyright -
Discuss and review responses for Topic: Semiotics
Introduction to Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
- HW︎
- Readings/Viewings related to Topic: Is Design OP?
- Create a response for Topic: Is Design OP? if you assigned up for one
Complete and upload your notes
Week 13 ︎ 04/28/2021 ︎
- Discuss and review Topic: Copyright responses
- Introduction to Topic: Is Design OP?
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses for Topic: Is Design OP?
- HW︎
- Readings/Viewings related to Topic: Copyright
- Create a response for Topic: Copyright if you signed up for one
Complete and upload your notes
- Start work on Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
Week 14 ︎ 05/05/2021 ︎
- Discuss and review Topic: Copyright responses
- HW︎
- Continue work on Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
Week 15 ︎ 05/12/2021 ︎
- Check-in on status of Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
- HW︎
- Continue work on Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
Week 16 ︎ 05/19/2021 ︎
- Critique groups for Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
- Unofficial class feedback session
- Havdalah