SUNY Purchase︎(DES 3240) Design Issues
Schedule Overview
(schedule is subject to change based on your feedback and necessity)
Week 01 ︎ 01/22/2020 ︎
- Introductions & Expectations
- Schedule Overview
- Watch & discuss Mike Monteiro lecture
- Decide how we will acquire get Ruined by Design
- Decide first 3-4 people to do responses to “Ayn Rand is a Dick”
- HW︎
- Order Ruined by Design if we’re not doing the zine thing
- Read “Ayn Rand is a Dick” from Ruined by Design
- Prepare Show & Tell
Week 02 ︎ 01/29/2020 ︎
- Show & Tell
- Discuss and review responses for “Ayn Rand is a Dick”
- Introduction to Topic: Queering Design (Education)
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses for Queering Design (Education)
- HW︎
- Readings/viewings for Queering Design (Education)
- Prepare your response if you’re assigned one
Week 03 ︎ 02/05/2020 ︎
(we should all have Ruined by Design by now)- Discuss and review Queering Design (Education) viewings and readings
- Introduction to Ruined by Design︎How Designers Ruined the World
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses for Ruined by Design︎How Designers Ruined the World
- Introduction to Topic: Where are the Black Designers?
- Decide the next 3-4 people to do responses for Where are the Black Designers?
- HW︎
- Read Ruined by Design︎How the Designers Ruined the World
(take notes and be prepared to discuss) - Readings/viewings related to Where are the Black Designers?
- Watch Where are the Black Designers?
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
Week 04 ︎ 02/12/2020 ︎
- Introduction to Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
- Discuss and review responses for Where are the Black Designers?
- Discuss and review responses to
Ruined by Design︎How the Designers Ruined the World - Introduction to Ruined by Design︎What We Can Do to Fix It
- Decide the next 3-4 people to do responses for
Ruined by Design︎What We Can Do to Fix It - HW︎
- Readings/viewings related to
Ruined by Design︎What We Can Do to Fix It
- Start work on Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
Week 05 ︎ 02/19/2020 ︎
- Go to Multi Auction
- Introduction to Topic: Decolonizing Design
- Decide the next 3-4 people to do responses for Decolonizing Design
- HW︎
- Readings and viewings related to Decolonizing Design
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
- Continue work on Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
Week 06 ︎ 02/26/2020 ︎
- In-class progress updates on Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
- Discuss and review responses for Decolonizing Design
- Introduction to Topic: Designer as [x]
- Decide the next 3-4 people to do responses for Designer as [x]
- HW︎
Readings/viewings related to Designer as [x]
Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
- Continue work on Project: License to Ill(ustrate)
Week 07 ︎ 03/04/2020 ︎
- Introduction to Topic: Manifestos
- Decide the next 3-4 people to do responses for Manifestos
- Discuss and review responses for Designer as [x]
- HW︎
- Prepare your response if that’s what you are assigned to do
- Complete work on Project: License to Illustrate
Week 08 ︎ 03/11/2020 ︎
- Critique: License to Ill(ustrate)
- Introduction to Project: Manifesting a Manifesto
- HW︎
- Start work on Project: Manifesting a Manifesto
- Readings and viewings related to Manifestos
- prepare your response for Manifestos if you were assigned one.
Week 09 ︎ 03/18/2020 ︎
- Discuss and review responses for Manifestos
- (Asynchronous) review remaining license projects via Slack
- Introduction to Topic: These are the Days
- Make sure you’re on the class Slack︎ to review the remaining License projects.
- Continue work on Project: Manifesting a Manifesto (be prepared to show progress)
- Response for the week
Week 10 ︎ 03/25/2020 ︎
- In-class check-in on Project: Manifesting a Manifesto
- Discuss and review responses for These are the Days
- Introduction to Topic: Stopping
- Decide the next 3-4 people to do responses for
- Complete work on Project: Manifesting a Manifesto
- Readings/viewings related to Stopping
- Prepare your response for Stopping if you volunteered to do one.
Week 11 ︎ 04/01/2020 ︎
Week 12 ︎ 04/08/2020 ︎
- Critique on Manifesting a Manifesto
- Discuss and review Stopping responses
- Discuss how to carry out the rest of the semester
- Topic introduction Cult of the Ugly
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses about Cult of the Ugly
- HW︎
- Create a response for Cult of Ugly if you signed up for one
Week 13 ︎ 04/16/2020 ︎
- Discuss and review Cult of the Ugly responses
- Introduction to Topic: Semiotics
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses for Semiotics
- HW︎
- Create a response for Semiotics if you signed up for one
Week 14 ︎ 04/22/2020 ︎
- Discuss and review Semiotics responses
- Introduction to Topic: Copyright
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses for Copyright
- HW︎
Create a response for Copyright if you signed up for one
Week 15 ︎ 04/29/2020 ︎
- Discuss and review Copyright responses
- Introduction to Topic: Problematic History
- Decide 3-4 people to do responses for Problematic History
- HW︎
- Create a response for Problematic History if you signed up for one
Week 16 ︎ 05/07/2020 ︎
- Discuss and review Problematic History responses
- Unofficial class feedback session
- Havdalah