Fall 2020
SUNY Purchase ︎ (DES3510) Word & Image 3
Schedule Overview
(schedule is subject to change based on your feedback and necessity)
Week 01 ︎ 08/31/2020 ︎
- Review General Principles︎
- Review Syllabus/Introductions & Expectations︎
- Introduce first assignment, Grid Sigils︎
- Discuss logos/sigils/symbols
- HW︎Start Grid Sigils︎ upload progress before next Monday.
Week 02 ︎ 09/07/2020 ︎
(No class! Labor Day)
(please note Grid Sigils︎ progress must be uploaded by today)Week 03 ︎ 09/14/2020 ︎
- Final Grid Sigils︎ must be submitted for grading before this class.
- Discuss Grid Sigils︎
- Introduction to new assignments:
- HW︎
- (optional) resubmit Grid Sigils︎based on feedback
- Start work on Stochastic Company︎ (before next class, upload at least 20 different sketches for logos based on four different directions)
- Start research on
Designer, Audience, Mirror
(Brand pt.1)︎ (before next class, upload your top 10 ideas for a brand, and for your top 3, suggest 3 names each (9 names total), and 1 possible audience for it)
Week 04 ︎ 09/21/2020 ︎
- Resubmit Grid Sigils︎ based on feedback by today.
- Discuss issues/questions regarding Stochastic Company︎
- (one-on-ones) Check-in on progress on Stochastic Company︎ & Designer, Audience, Mirror (Brand pt.1)︎
- HW︎
Continue work on
Stochastic Company︎
Continue research on
Designer, Audience, Mirror
(Brand pt.1)︎
Week 05 ︎ 09/28/2020 ︎
- Knitting Circle ︎︎︎ Spiel: Logos & Layouts (introduction)︎
- (Optional) progress check-in on any project.
- HW︎
- Continue working on Stochastic Company︎
- Prepare Designer, Audience, Mirror (Brand pt.1)︎ research as a “deck” for next week
Week 06 ︎ 10/05/2020 ︎
- Introduce Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎
- (one-on-ones) Discuss the state of
Designer, Audience, Mirror (Brand pt.1)︎ or
Stochastic Company︎
- HW︎
- Adjust Designer, Audience, Mirror (Brand pt.1)︎based on feedback
Complete work on Stochastic Company︎
- Start work on Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎
Week 07 ︎ 10/12/2020 ︎
- Final Stochastic Company︎ must be submitted for grading before this class.
- Critique Stochastic Company︎
- Introduction to new assignment Alternate Universe Branding︎
- Select ~5 people to review
Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎
for next class.
- HW︎
- Start work on Alternate Universe Branding︎
- Continue work on
Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎
output 20 logos options before next class
Week 08 ︎ 10/19/2020 ︎
- Generalized feedback on Stochastic Company︎
- Review Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎ progress
- HW︎
- Continue work on Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎ and adjust based on feedback.
- Continue work on Alternate Universe Branding︎ and ready for review.
Week 09 ︎ 10/26/2020 ︎
- Knitting Circle ︎︎︎ Adobe Dimension︎
- Knitting Circle ︎︎︎ Grids︎
- Knitting Circle ︎︎︎ Logotypes︎
- Review progress on
Alternate Universe Branding︎
- HW︎
- Continue work on Alternate Universe Branding︎
- Continue work on
Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎
Week 10 ︎ 11/02/2020 ︎
- Q & A for Knitting Circles
(one-on-ones) Review
Logo & Arrow (Brand pt.2)︎ or
Alternate Universe Branding︎
- Introduce new project Ephemeral Awareness︎
- Introduce
One Semester Performance (Grimoire Piece)︎
- HW︎
- Start work on Ephemeral Awareness︎
- Continue work on One Semester Performance (Grimoire Piece)︎
11/03/2020 ︎VOTE!
Week 11 ︎ 11/09/2020 ︎
- Knitting circle ︎︎︎ Types of Ephemera
- HW︎
- Continue work on Alternate Universe Branding︎
- Continue work on Ephemeral Awareness︎
- Continue work on
One Semester Performance (Grimoire Piece)︎
Week 12 ︎ 11/16/2020 ︎
- Final Alternate Universe Branding︎ must be submitted for grading before this class.
- Presentations/viewing party for Alternate Universe Branding︎
- Critique
Alternate Universe Branding︎
- HW︎
- Continue work on Ephemeral Awareness︎
- Continue work on One Semester Performance (Grimoire Piece)︎
Week 13 ︎ 11/23/2020 ︎
- Workshop ︎︎︎ Brand Ephemera Exchange program
- Review
One Semester Performance (Grimoire Piece)︎
- HW︎
- Continue work on Ephemeral Awareness︎
- Continue work on
One Semester Performance (Grimoire Piece)︎
Week 14 ︎ 11/30/2020 ︎
(classes pre-empted for Senior Project review)Week 15 ︎ 12/07/2020 ︎
- Final version of Ephemeral Awareness︎ must be submitted for grading before this class.
- Critique Ephemeral Awareness︎ Project
Week 16 ︎ 12/14/2020 ︎
- Critique One Semester Performance (Grimoire Piece)︎
- Informal class feedback
- Havdalah